Saturday, December 17, 2022

Egg Nog Jog

The Egg Nog Jog is a small 5k (3.1 mile) run in Fort Walton Beach. Ashley did it last year with some friends, and she wanted to do it again this year. To our amazement, Bode also wanted to run (he never runs!), so we signed him up. We arrived early and picked up their packets. Then, they took the time to pose for a pre-race shot.

Here is the start of the race. I don't think you can see Bode or Ashley in this picture as they said they were in the middle of the pack.
The beauty of this race is that it weaves through the neighborhoods such that the halfway point is really only a couple hundred yards from the start line. Thus, I was able to get some good shots of the team on the course. First, here is Bode--look at that form!
The turn-around point is just at the end of the road in the above picture, so I was able to get a movie of Bode coming back towards me.

Next, here is Ashley just after the turn-around (sadly, she let her son beat her).
I then rushed back to the finish line to get Bode's finishing kick.
Here is Ashley finishing--fortunately I had the fast-shutter speed so she's not all blurry :-)
The greatest part of this race is the food afterwards. It is sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings, and all runners get wings. Bode ate 12 (nothing like a dozen wings at 10:00 am). We then stayed for the awards presentations. I think we were all amazed when they called Bode's name as the winner for the 15 - 18 age group. I wasn't even filming, so these pictures will have to do.
I was filming when they did the 50 - 54 female age group. Ashley was the big winner!
When we got home, the two champions posed for a picture.
It was wonderful watching these two run. Perhaps more races are in their future :-) Pleasant day to all.

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