Friday, December 30, 2022

Final Post of 2022

It's been another wonderful year in the McGuirk family. We have had our ups and downs, but for the most part, we have survived the year unscathed. We also welcomed Rowdy to the family, and even though he's been somewhat destructive, he's starting to come out of the puppy phase (hopefully) and become a pleasant little fellow.

We took some family portraits this year, and per the usual, I'll finish the year with a nice picture of Bode.

The big man turned 15 this year and has already started his driver's training. Next year at this time, he'll likely be driving. He also really improved his swimming this year and has become quite the dedicated athlete. Ashley continues to do well at her job and also hits the gym three times a week at a waaay too early of an hour. We have no major plans for New Year's other than to watch some football and relax.
Happy 2023 from sunny Florida!

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