Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Swimming Odds and Ends

 Apparently there is a Choctawhatchee High School swimming Facebook page. Ashley has given me access, and I have downloaded some past pictures of Bode and his friends. These aren't in any particular order--I just like seeing pictures of Bode with the team. First, here is a picture of Bode with his 4 x 100 freestyle relay team. It's nice to see the boys relaxed for the picture :-)

Before the meet this past weekend, the team had an area where they relaxed between swims. Here is Bode wearing some goofy glasses.
After the meet last week versus Navarre, the team went out for pizza. Here is a nice shot of a bunch of the kiddos.
Below is a picture of the team waiting for Coach to arrive one morning. Note there isn't any light in the sky, and Bode is at the far right of the picture.
To raise money, the team collects parking fees at home football games.
Here is a nice picture of Bode at one of the meets
This is a neat one of Bode cheering on a teammate.

This next one is a picture of the relay team.

The team had one Friday night where they volunteered to pick up trash for one hour on the beach and then we had a pot-luck dinner.
This is a good shot of Bode on the blocks. I think he is getting ready to do the 500-yard freestyle. Bode is in the center of the picture.
I'm not sure what the boys are celebrating here, but they look happy.
I think this picture was from the meet this past Saturday.
This is a cute one of Bode and Kate; Kate is the niece of the guy that built our carriage house.
That is probably enough pictures for now. Below are some results from the meet. The IM relay team took third, and the 4 x 100 freestyle relay team took fourth out of sixteen schools.
Bode took ninth (out of thirty) in the 200 IM and seventh (out of twenty-one) in the 500-free.
That is probably enough for this one post. Bode has an away football Friday night, a band performance Saturday, and a swim meet Sunday; he'll be exhausted come Sunday night :-)

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