Saturday, June 15, 2019

Callaway IV: Water Sports Part 1

Bode first learned to water ski two years ago during a trip to Callaway.  He wasn't able to get up on skis on his own, but once up, he skied around the lake.  Fast-forward two years, and check out the improvement.  He is fantastic--he has no problem getting up on skies, and even ventures outside the wake.  We were out on the boat FIVE times this week--on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  We had an absolute blast.  Grandpa was able to go with us on one of these days.  Here are Ashley and Dad getting ready to get in the boat; Bode is in the background preparing to get in the water.
Here's Bode's first go of the week.  I had to reduce the resolution on the longer videos in order to not exceed the maximum upload size.
Here are some action photos.  Check out Bode looking sharp.
Ashley also did some wakeboarding; as usual, she made it look so easy.
She did have a couple "fun" falls, but she was ok after each one.
At the end of the day, it was my turn.  We had to ensure we told the driver to go a little slower for me.
Ashley even took a video of me; I think she mercifully ended it early because it looks like I'm about to biff at the end.
After a hard day of skiing/boarding, we finished with a picture.
Towards the end of the week, Bode wanted to go tubing, and I was the (un)lucky parent to go with him.  The driver of the boat had a fun time tossing us around.
I will post one more with a lot of videos of Bode and Ashley skiing.  Bode did amazing--he even learned to slalom!

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