Saturday, June 15, 2019

Callaway I: Golf

We just returned from a week at Callaway Gardens.  We did a lot--more than we've ever done before.  Rather than go chronologically, I thought I'd group the various events together--it's easier for me, and it's not like we're writing a book that has to be in chronological order (although it does pain me to have separate timelines, much like Avengers Endgame :-)  We played a couple rounds of golf.  My dad was able to drive down from South Carolina, and Bode was nice enough to join us, especially when we bribed him by letting him drive the cart.
We even let Bode try his hand at hitting some balls.  He, like the rest of us, hit some good shots and some bad ones.
Here's an action shot of Ashley--I don't have where the ball finished, but let's just say the ball landed within inches of the cup :-)
Here's an action shot of Dad
Finally, here's a movie of Ashley--she should have stopped playing after this one.
We played on Monday and Tuesday.  I didn't bring the camera on Tuesday, which is a shame because it was simply a beautiful day.  We sort of kept score; no one shot really well, except on the back nine of the second day, I amazed myself and shot a 36.  I should note it was a par 34, but two-over is pretty good for me.  Plus, I even had an eagle putt on a 513-yard par 5.  I missed it (d*mn it!), but I did make the birdie :-)

Bode enjoyed driving the cart.  We'll see if we can convince him to do some actual golfing.  We live just a spit away from the Fort Walton Beach golf course, and I'm sure we could get him some lessons.  We'll have to see if anything sparks his interest.

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