Friday, May 31, 2019

End of Elementary School

Bode's school had some end-of-the-year activities for the soon-to-be-sixth graders.  They were all honored with the "continuation" certificates and other awards.  Here's Bode lined up, ready to head across the stage.  In seven more years, he'll be in a cap-and-gown (knock on wood).
Next is the movie of Ms Stoffel reading Bode's accomplishments.
Afterwards, Bode wanted a picture with Ms Stoffel.
Today was the last day of school.  Here's Bode in the morning with Barkley as he heads off to Longwood for the last time.
Longwood has a neat little celebration they do for the 5th graders.  All the other kids and teachers line the halls, and the 5th graders walk through one last time.
After the final walk, the kids had a little party in their classroom.
After the party, Ashley and I walked out with him.  Here's Bode heading home on his last day as an elementary school student.
As a reminder, here was Bode walking home from his first day of kindergarten almost six years ago...
Little man is no longer the little man... :-(  We will probably go out for a celebratory dinner tonight--can't believe we now have a middle-schooler in our house!

Wonder Works

We had a lot of activities this last week of school.  On Wednesday, I went with Bode's class to Wonder Works, which is a little science museum over in Panama City.  The ride on the bus was wonderful--25 amped up fifth graders :-)  Fortunately, we made it there without any issues.  Here's Bode and Hunter, excited to go inside--Wonder Works is the big upside-down building in the background.
There was "sciency" stuff as well as some rides for the kids.  Here's Bode doing the ropes course.
They also have an astronaut training simulator, which is a big gyroscope.  Bode gave it a go.  First, a still-picture of him getting ready.
Next is the movie of the ride--little man said it was a lot of fun.
Fortunately, the kids ate after the ride-portion of the visit.
There were all sorts of other attractions--a wind simulator, a bucket of 28-degree water in which you could submerse you hand, lots of interesting google-earth displays where you could go anywhere in the world--there was even a google-moon simulator.  The kids really liked this "wonder wall."
On the way back, Ms Stoffel was kind enough to let the kinds watch a video--Ralph Wrecks the Internet.  It was sooo much quieter on the way home :-)

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Water Fun

We've taken the waverunners out a few times this year, but today was our first foray back into the sports of water skiing and wake-boarding.  Bode started things off by showing off his waterskiing skills.  Here he is in the water with Joey looking on.
Here he is on his first pull of the day--little man got right up.
Here's one of Bode when he didn't quite have a good hold on the handle.
Next is a good one of Bode zooming right in front of the dock.  It was a little choppy, but he seemed to handle the waves without any issues.
Finally, here's Bode on the same pull--I think he just got tired.
Bode took some videos of Ashley wake-boarding.
He also took some good still pictures.
After Ashley boarded, it was my turn.
Bode also filmed my first attempt.
In the next three photos, it sort of looks like I know what I'm doing.
It's only 1:15, but I think we all are exhausted :-)  Maybe we'll watch the Coca-Cola 600 and take a nap :-)

Start of Summer

As we approach the start of the summer, I must say I'm very pleased with the progress in the garden.  In Colorado, I would just be starting the corn.  Here in Florida, we'll be eating corn in a matter of weeks.

The cucumbers and watermelon vines are also going nuts--lots of flowers and blooms, but as of yet, no little future pickles in the garden.
The beans and peas are also going well.  We might have some beans with dinner tonight, while a pea harvest is about a week away.
When I thinned the corn, I moved some to a different side of the garden.  I'm happy to report that this corn is also doing well, but is about three weeks behind the big corn.
I have approximately ten small tomatoes on my tomato plants.  Here's hoping they continue to thrive.
Bode still has one week of school left.  However, all the assignments are done, and the grades are finalized.  Little man did quite well.
We are very proud of how hard he has worked this semester.  He had a successful youth symphony recital, he continues to work very hard at swim practice three times a week, and his grades are top-notch.  We've even started talking about summer goals--we'll see if we can get him to do some reading :-)

Very hot here this weekend; I think we are going wave-running this afternoon :-)

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sinfonietta Performance

Bode's string sinfonietta had their spring performance today.  They played three songs, and sounded pretty good.  Since we were all gussied up, we posed for some pictures.
Here's a great one of Bode that we just lucked into getting.  He looks like such a big kid...err...young man.
Here's another good one of Bode and Ashley.
We even managed some take a picture of Bode and me, although in all of them, I look like I have a stick shoved up my a*s.
After some last minute instruction from Mr King Vaughn (the conductor), the kids were ready to play.  It's hard to see Bode in any of the movies--he's in the middle left, but he's always behind someone's head.  Still, the music is very nice.
Afterwards, we got a picture of Bode with Mr King Vaughn.
Mr King Vaughn just completed his master's degree in music; we are hopeful he will be offered the full-time position as director of children's music for Sinfonia Gulf Coast, but we do know he is getting other offers :-(

Bode and I had a great morning--we took the wave-runner out, and we were able to watch some dolphins for about ten minutes.  I didn't bring a camera with me, but you'll have to trust me when I say it was very neat to see.  Plus, I let Bode drive around for a bit, which he seems to love.

The corn continues to grow--I spotted some little cornlings starting to grow--maybe corn by the end of June!!!  Pleasant week to all.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Some PRs

Bode's swim team had an intrasquad meet today.  It's more of a fund-raiser, but the kids do some swimming and race each other.  Before starting to work, Bode took a pre-Mom's day picture with Ashley.
Bode swam in two events:  the 50-yard butterfly and the 50-yard freestyle.  There were only two 11 - 12 year olds brave enough to swim the 50-fly.  Bode is 11, while the boy he swam against is 12, so I told him that next year, Bode will be dominating.  Bode swam a personal record of 36.5 seconds, breaking his previous PR by seven seconds.  Here's the movie--he really is starting to look like he knows what he's doing.
He then swam the 50-free.  Here are some action shots.  Note Ashley is in these pictures because she volunteered to be a meet timer.
Bode swam the 50-free in just under 34 seconds, breaking his previous PR by almost three seconds. 

At the end of the meet, the parents that bid the most got to have their kids put a pie in the face for one of the coaches.  Bode didn't do this, but the movie is still pretty funny.
It is a bit cloudy and overcast here today, so not sure of the plan.  Hopefully we'll figure something out and have some fun :-)  Pleasant weekend to all.

The Corn

The garden has been exploding.  I "thinned" the corn so I now have five rows of five stalks.  They are doing great--not corns yet, but perhaps in another two weeks.
The cucumbers, watermelons, and potatoes are also doing quite well.
When I thinned the corn, I transplanted some of the weaker stalks to various places in the garden.  I figured they die due to the shock, but they have surprised me and are starting to thrive.
The green beans, peas, carrots, and lettuce are all doing great--I had to put up a lattice on which the peas can grown.
The tomato plants have also shot up.  I also have a couple peppers growing on my pepper plants.
The only things we've eaten from the garden are some blackberries.  We picked up when they turned black, but I think we need to let them sweeten up a bit more before we pick them.  There are seven or eight more growing right now, so hopefully we can be a little more patient and let them ripen.  Here's hoping for a bountiful harvest in the next few months.