Thursday, November 2, 2017

Yes Club

Bode joined the science club this semester.  They meet every Tuesday after school and are studying fire.  They are learning proper fire safety and also studying wild-fires.  As part of this, they visited a burn area from the 2012 Waldo Canyon fire.  Neither Ashley nor I could go on the trip, but Mr Glisson did take a couple of pictures.  First, the van ride to and from (probably the highlight of the trip).
Next, the group at the burn area.  They were actually at the site of the Flying W Ranch which was completely destroyed by the fire.  Bode said it was very interesting.  They kids helped pull invasive plants and ensured they disposed of them so the seeds were not dispersed.  They also got to wear hard-hats.
The group has to put together some type of project and present some time in December.  Bode really likes science, so this is right up his alley.  Pleasant day.

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