Sunday, November 5, 2017

Fall Happenings

A lot of minor details to report.  Yesterday, Bode had a swim meet and did awesome.  He swam the 100-yard freestyle, the 50-yard backstroke, 25-yard butterfly, and the 100-yard individual medley.  This was a fairly competitive meet, so Bode didn't sweep the firsts, but he swam best times in all four events including the IM, which he did in 1:46:00.  I tried to take some action photos--I don't think any are all that great, but I'll include them for posterity.  First up we have Bode ready to start the 100 freestyle.
Next we have Bode kicking hard to the finish.
Next, Bode getting ready to start the 50-back.
Last, we have Bode finishing strong in the IM--he won his heat, which was pretty cool.
We recently had a conference with Bode's teacher.  We are happy to report Bode is doing extremely well in school this year.  He has all A's and B's, including an A in math (we should hope so), and an A+ in music.  He also has a B- in PE, so we need to work on his athletics--we'll start the 0500-morning runs next week (only kidding).

I harvested the final carrots today, which means there is nothing left in the garden.  I peeled some for my lunch this week, but I also pickled some--yes, I know, pickled carrots probably aren't the greatest, but I wanted to see what they tasted like.
I'm sorry to report Mike the goldfish is no longer with us.  He lived a total of 3 days, which isn't too long if you ask me.  Bode thought Mike was sleeping but was heart-broken when I told him Mike had died (really--it was almost as bad as when Harley died).  Fortunately, we were able to get him a replacement.  We spent some time at PetSmart and decided on a beta fish (they are supposed to be pretty hardy).  We also had our aquarium water tested to ensure all was well, and it was.  Bode is very good about feeding "Barry" (named after the Flash), and he even reminded me we needed to do a 20% water change today.  Here's a picture of Barry in his environment.
Finally, the other two dogs are doing fine--just as lazy as ever (as is their owner)...
Pleasant week to all.

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