Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Soccer season is over, and I think it would be poor form for me to say I'm happy that's it's done (I am).  It was lots of fun, but the time commitment can be a bit much--we'd practice twice a week and games on Saturdays.  Of course, it's not like I have an overly busy schedule.  But Bode did have a lot on his plate--swimming, soccer, piano, violin, and he's started doing science club this semester.  Thus, I'm happy for him to have a couple days back to just be a kid.  The season wasn't great in terms of our won-loss record, but we did finish strong with a 3-0 victory.  Ashley took some action shots of the game (I was too busy coaching), but for some reason, she didn't get any shots with Bode in it :-(  She did get plenty of pictures of the boys during the post-game pizza party.
I might have mentioned I did some pickling of my cucumbers from the garden.  I've started eating them and find them to be quite tasty.  I think I might have overdone the dill on some of the jars, as it's a bit potent.

Today is Halloween, and we just finished trick-or-treating.  This morning, we awoke to snow, cold, and ice, and we dreaded the evening.  Fortunately, the weather cleared and it warmed up a tad.  Bode got a great haul of candy, and we all managed to stay warm.
Bode has a swim meet on Saturday.  Sadly, it directly conflicts with the Auburn-Texas A&M game.  Ashley has been hoarding her data so she can watch the game on her phone.  Hopefully Auburn does well; otherwise, Ashley's phone might end up in the pool in disgust.  Pleasant week to all.

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