Saturday, November 12, 2011


Bode's friend, Jase, had a birthday party today at the bowling alley. It was pretty fun for the kiddos, and Bode said he had a great time. It was nice to see Jase and his family. Jase no longer goes to the same daycare as Bode, so when the two guys saw each other, they had to hug it out.
Following the formalities, it was time to bowl. Here's a sequence of Bode going through the motions.
Bode had some interesting throws. On one, he managed to get the ball between the gutter and the bumper...the kid has talent :-) He did have one throw where he got seven or eight pins down. But he was just as excited when he knocked one pin down, so he didn't get the concept of scoring. After some playing, the kids took time out for a group photograph.
Bode's friend, Tyler (in the plaid shirt) was also there. They, too, had to hug it out, but I didn't get a picture. After about an hour, Bode says, "I'm hungry." Fortunately they had pizza, punch, and cake. Bode had four pieces of pizza and two pieces of cake (they were small pieces, but there always seems to be one fat kid at every party :-)
Finally, here's a picture of Jase that Bode took.
Auburn played today, and they stunk. They lost 45-7. A horrible, horrible game, and we will never speak of it again. Ashley is leaving tomorrow for Vegas (baby). She'll be there all week, "working." Sounds rough. Just me, Bode, and Harley holding down the fort. Hopefully we figure out how the stove works. Pleasant week to all.

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