Monday, October 31, 2011

Handy Manny

Today was Halloween. However, in order to be politically correct, daycare (aka preschool) had "dress-up day" on Friday. This was done in order to ensure kids whose parents do not celebrate Halloween do not feel left out. F*ck 'em was my initial thought, but I managed to keep it to myself. Ashley said it was probably a good decision on my part to keep quiet, and I figured I could silently vent to the millions (tens) of readers of this blog. I feel much better.

Since dress-up day was Friday and Halloween was today, Bode got to wear his costume twice. He went as Handy Manny, which is a character on Disney. He's a little handy man that is Spanish (Mexican) and goes around fixing things with his tools, which have the coolest names like Stretch (ruler), Turner (flat-head screw driver) and Philippe (philips head screw driver). Here's a picture of Handy Manny I grabbed from the web.
Now here's a picture of Bode in his costume standing in our foyer. Note Mommy really got into decorating this year.
Some friends of ours invited us to their neighborhood to go trick-or-treating. They live in Oakwood where the houses are closely spaced meaning more candy per square foot. The neighborhood really goes all out. Here are some action photos. First, we have Bode and Mommy. Ashley dressed up as Kelly, one of the characters from the Handy Manny show.
Bode doesn't really get scared of the spooky things. Maybe he simply doesn't know any better. There was one house with a smoke machine with an opening grave and a scary looking corpse. Bode thought it was funny, and would probably still be there watching it if we hadn't dragged him away.
We had a wonderful time trick-or-treating, and, as usual, Bode played too hard. Harley played very hard because she spent the time playing with Bailey. I didn't get any pictures, but in two weeks, Clay, Callie, and Bailey will come over to watch the Auburn-Georgia game. I'll be sure to take some pictures then--the bitch is getting huge! Pleasant week to all.

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