Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Part I

We just returned from a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday to Asheville, North Carolina. We stayed at the Grove Park Inn, which is a lovely little hotel/resort built of stone atop a mountain. There were stunning views, gorgeous sunsets, peace, and tranquility. And eating. Lots of eating.

First, here are some pictures of the inn. Note how it's made of stone. Evidently a railroad had to be built with the specific task of bringing in those stones. It was either that or do it the way the pyramids were built, and I think the ACLU would have had an issue with that.
Do you see the glass-roofed area in the second picture? Beneath that was the spa. Ashley and I spent a few hours down there. Sheer Heaven. There were saunas, steam baths, hot-tubs, and a 64-degree cold pool to plunge into if one got too hot. It felt awful while plunging and then wonderful when you jumped out. The relaxation pools also had underwater speakers, so if you dunked your head underwater, you heard soothing piano music.

Following our morning at the spa, we feasted at the Grand Buffet. Ashley's parents (Jo Anne and Frank) and my mother (Lin) were able to join us. Here are some photographs. First, here we are leaving the room. I show this picture because it was one of the only shots with Frank. Note we are waiting on Ashley.
Next is a picture of Ashley and me on the outside stairs (you can see them in the first picture above)
Note I'm wearing a tie. It doesn't happen often. Next, we tried to get a picture of Bode with the three ladies. He was being a pest, and wouldn't get in a picture with them. He kept hiding behind Mommy's leg. Below is the best I could do.
Finally, here is a picture of the three of us. We really had to threaten Bode with some severe punishment; otherwise this picture would not have happened. The little fella isn't exactly smiling either.
It was then time to eat. They had everything, from the traditional turkey, stuffing, and potatoes to the not-so-traditional crab-legs and shrimp. There were breads, meats, cheeses--even mac-n-cheese, but we steered Bode clear of that table. No way was he going to eat that on this day. Desserts was also served, and we gorged on chocolate mousse, cake, an assortment of pies, and cookies. There was even an ice cream bar. Of course, Bode had to have some.
Following the meal, we walked around the property, digesting. They had a sports complex, with some beautiful indoor tennis courts and other odds and ends. The highlight (for Bode) had to have been the playground. Here he is, bounding around on a full stomach.
Thanksgiving was wonderful. It was great to have Nana, Papa, and Grammy joining us (especially since they were the ones who watched Bode while Ashley and I were at the spa). As many of you know, Bode's birthday is on Monday. Nana and Papa bought Bode a new garbage truck. He loves it. He played with it for almost 2 1/2 hours one evening. Straight. With no breaks. Here's an action photo.
Up next: A trip to the nature center. Spoiler alert: We saw wolves!

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