Monday, November 28, 2011

Bode's Birthday

Two score and eight months ago, Bode Jackson McGuirk was born at 9:58 PM. He was seven pounds 11 ounces and twenty inches long. Below is one of the first pictures we have of him. Obviously he wasn't happy to be out of the womb.
Is it possible this little guy is actually four years old? Hard to believe. We celebrated his big day with dinner, cake, and presents. Ashley and I even sang. Cover your ears, darlings.
The little fellow had a great day. He got tons of presents--a stuffed Mickey Mouse, a Mickey Mouse jacket, a Mickey Mouse book, a Handy-Manny play set, a map of the United States, a huge Marble Maze, a stuffed Go-Dog-Go, and one of the trucks from the movie, Cars. Note he also received his garbage truck from Nana and Papa, but they gave it to him while we were in North Carolina. Mommy and Daddy got him a new bike. This might surprise you, because he already has a big-boy bike. He hasn't been too successful riding it, so we thought he might like a pedal-less bike. This way, he can glide along while pushing with his feet, and in the immortal words of Mr. Miyagi, "Learn balance." Here is an action photo.
We are having a party for Bode at Bounce U on Saturday. It should be a great time. I'll post photos following the event. Pleasant week to all (it might snow here...sheesh).

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