Thursday, February 24, 2011

Colorado Trip Part I

We made our annual trip to Colorado this past week. We had a 0615 flight out of Denver, which meant a very early wake up. Amazingly, Bode shot out of bed as soon as we mentioned the word, "Airplane." Here's a picture of Bode on the plane. Note he's not wearing a hat, although he does have hat-head. Ashley managed to get the hat off of him without Bode having a total meltdown.
He kept awake for most of the flight and then on the trip down to Colorado Springs to Grammy's house. Unfortunately, Grammy was running a quick errand when we arrived. Bode had to pee, so he ended up christening Grammy's front yard. We were so proud of our little urinator (no, we didn't snap a photo of this cherished event). After a nice lunch, he quickly ran out of steam and fell asleep on the couch. And yes, he's back in the hat.
On Sunday, Ashley, Bode, and I went to lunch with the Larson family. I knew Craig from my AFIT days. They moved to Colorado Springs about a year ago, so it was nice to see them. Sadly, I left the camera at home (which was the theme for the day). That night, Grammy, Jim, Ashley, Bode, and I went to dinner and met up with Ashley's boss, Vern. Again, no camera so no shots, just words. Use your imagination like people had to do during radio shows in the 1930's. We had a nice BBQ meal--too much food, which was another theme for the day. Prior to dinner, we drove around Colorado Springs looking at potential home locations, as Ashley and I expect to be back in C-Springs in the summer of 2012.

We headed up to Breckenridge on Monday morning. Fortunately, we managed to snap a quick picture of Bode with Ashley and Grammy sitting by the stairs.
Note the omnipresent hat again. We made it safe and sound to the mountains and met with the architect that is designing our future mountain home. It's very exciting, as the design is ~90% complete. The floor plan is finished, and the basic feel of the house is decided (ask Ashley, as I've no ability to correctly describe the motif). The final phase is the creation of construction documents. After that, we can start to solicit bids, but we don't plan on breaking ground until 2015 or so.

Stay tuned, as in the next episode, Jeff and Ashley (and even Bode) go skiing!

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