Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bounce U

No, the title isn't a nice way of telling someone off. Rather, "Bounce U" is this amazing playland filled with all sorts of wonderful bouncy contraptions. One of Bode's teacher's (Teresa) son, Brady, was having his 3rd birthday party. We were invited, and had a wonderful time.

When we got there, Bode was pleased to see two of his best friends, Evie and Tyler. Here's a picture of Bode and Evie. I didn't get the actual shot, but Bode gave Evie a hug. I ensured we could see daylight between them when they's never to early to start policing these behaviors :-)
After a quick safety video which NONE of the children watched or paid any attention, we were off and running. First up was this big slide. We didn't think Bode would do it, as in the past he's been a little afraid of these things. Today, he went right up (with an assist from Mommy). Here's Ashley and Bode getting ready for some speed.
Next up was the big bouncy room. Most of the pictures were blurry because it was constant motion. However, here are some of the better ones. First we have Bode in a moment of stillness.
Here's a shot of Bode and Daddy falling down.
Finally, here are Bode, Tyler, and Evie having a wonderful time.
Here's a movie of some of the action. It was a good workout for all of us, bouncing around.
Here's a shot of Mommy and Bode climbing the final wall of the obstacle course.
The reward for clearing the wall is the slide down. Bode loved it.
The cats (kids) were herded up for a group photo. You'd think Bode would have smiled.
Finally, it was time for punch, pizza, cake, and ice cream. Bode sat by his boy Tyler.
As I look at this photo, I can picture 14 years from now, and these two studs kicking back, drinking a soda (hopefully...I certainly never had beer before 21) and hanging out. Time goes by too fast. Pleasant week to all.

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