Saturday, February 12, 2011

Best of Times, Worst of Times

Today is the first day in awhile that temperatures are above the freezing point. I even went running, and felt warm in the sun. Well, maybe not warm. The wind wasn't biting, and my face didn't hurt due to cold, so we should consider this a positive.

We've had some ups and downs. First, the ups. Bode continues to develop into a talking machine. The kid always has something to say--usually good, but he has picked up some terms. Not bad, but it is funny to hear Bode say, "Dang it!" when something goes wrong (blame Ashley for this one). The little fellow still loves his trucks. Probably the only thing he loves more is his hat, which he'd shower in if we let him.
Bode is cute when we take his picture. He really knows to say, "Cheese" whenever someone is pointing the camera his way.
Bode is now sleeping in a big-boy bed. And the operative word is big. Here are a couple of shots with Mommy and Bode reading (yes, Bode is in there under the pile of sheets).
Obviously we went the bunk-bed route. Notice there is no ladder in the pictures. Two hours after we finished putting together this behemoth, Bode fell off the ladder. He wasn't very high, but he landed on his back and whacked his head pretty hard. It's a good thing those wood floors are so forgiving. He wasn't himself for awhile, and even the next day at preschool, he kept telling the teachers he hurt his head. Fortunately, little boys heal quickly, and he's back to himself.

Ok, now for the bad. Again, I must point out the bunk-bed. The reason we bought a bunk-bed is Ashley was pregnant. Unfortunately, at the 12-week point, she had a miscarriage. This was hard on us both, but sometimes this is how things work out. The sad irony was we got the call that Bode's bed was in the day she had a procedure :-(

Now, back to finish with some good. Auburn is still with us. It has been 10 months since her leg was removed. She isn't the most active dog, but she never was much of a working pup. Her favorite thing continues to be lying on the green couch. If only we'd feed her there...
Pleasant day to all.

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