Thursday, April 1, 2010

Two is My Limit

What am I talking about? Drinks? Dogs? Mortgages? No. Yesterday, I learned two is the maximum number of times in one day one should be vomited upon. More than twice, and the whole "being thrown up on" experience tends to go downhill.

Sadly, Bode was sick. We were called at 1130 in the morning to pick him up. He had a fever of 101.3 and had thrown up. Since Ashley is a prima-donna (actually she had people in town for meetings), I was the lucky one that got to go and get the little guy. He seemed ok--a little more clingy than usual, but nothing too out of the ordinary. We got home, he had some blueberries and some peanut butter, and then took a nap. This sick-kid thing wasn't too much work. He woke up from his nap, and we read some books. He was quiet, and then he started crying. And then...well, no need to be gross and explain in exquisite detail. Let's just say Bode thought the shirt I had on (as well as the couch and carpet) were a bit too clean. He had similar episodes for the next two hours. Fortunately, around dinner time he started to feel better and was able to hold down liquids and some bread. This morning, he was back to normal, so we headed off to daycare. I was unaware of their 24-hour fever free policy, meaning the kids aren't welcome back until they've been fever free for said length of time. So we stopped by my office for a few minutes, and then we came back home. At first I was a bit bummed out about daycare's refusal to accept Bode today, which meant I had to stay home. However, it's a beautiful spring day with the high in the low 70's. We took Auburn for a walk, had a nice lunch, and now Bode is taking a nap. And since the work I do can't be done outside of the office, it's like a day off (all funded by the taxpayers :-) Maybe I'll go open a can of bon-bons and sit outside...

Below is a movie of Ashley reading Goodnight Moon to Bode. This is the last story he hears before he goes to bed, and he has much of it memorized.

Pleasant day to all.

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