Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back to Normal

It has been a great two weeks. Auburn has almost fully recovered, which is a huge surprise to me. I was worried Auburn would not react well to the amputation of her right front leg. I thought she'd be immobile, unable to use her dog-door, and nothing like her old self. I was completely wrong. The doctor explained before the surgery that following the removal of her leg that was both broken and cancerous, Auburn would be pain free. Bone cancer is extremely painful, which is why Auburn was limping prior to breaking her leg (we thought it was arthritis). The doctor said Auburn would (of course) be sore following the loss of the leg, but in one-two weeks following surgery, she'd be back to her old self. I'm happy to report Auburn is just like the dog she always was. She uses her dog door, sleeps on the couch, wags her little nub-tail when we take her for an abbreviated walk, and barks at dogs out the window. Obviously she doesn't get around as good as a four-legged dog. But her eyes are bright and cheery, her ears perk up when she hears our voices, and she's back to begging for table scraps, so she must be feel ok. Here are some pictures. First, her good side. Can't really tell she's missing a leg in this picture, can you?Now for the other side. Her hair is starting to come back, but you can still see the massive incision. A neighbor took out the stitches yesterday, and everything looks great. We've been doing a lot of traveling for work. It seems like one of us is gone every week, so come weekends, the non-traveler is usually catching up on sleep and resting, because Bode is quite active. He loves to play with his trucks, which is great, but unfortunately, the trucks are more suited to a person his size. When Mommy and Daddy get down on our (old) knees, it certainly takes a toll as we chase after our exceedingly fast son. Bode also loves the digital camera. He really knows how to work it. He can put it in display mode and scroll through the pictures. He's even figured out how to make the camera do an automated slide show to music. But I think taking pictures is what he likes best. In April alone, he's taken over 400 pictures (mostly of the floor), but there are the occasional good shots. Here's a dorky one of Mommy...I laugh every time I look at this picture. Bode is also talking up a storm. I'd estimate that 90% of the time, we know what he's saying (or trying to say). When we travel, Bode will even talk on the phone. His words are really clear, and he even knows he's talking to Mommy or Daddy. It's not really a conversation--he says, "Hi Mommy," a lot, but he'll also answer some questions about his day and what he had for dinner. It's really nice to hear his voice when we're away from home. He's still napping, although sometimes he doesn't really sleep. He'll go to his room for "quiet time" on the weekends. He seems to enjoy it. We'll ask if he's ready for quiet time and he'll say, "Yes." We take him to his room and then he says, "Bye Mommy. Bye Daddy," and proceeds to shut his bedroom door as we leave (a boy needs his privacy). A lot of times, he'll play and then take a nap, but lately, he's just been playing. This is fine, but usually he'll be sleepy later in the day. Here was Bode one evening that he didn't nap. Little fellow zonked out right in front of the computer.Spring is in full swing, although it might be in the low 50's early this week. Otherwise, nothing too exciting going on here. Pleasant day to all.

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