Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Great Hunt*

We had a nice little Easter. Nothing extravagant, but Mommy did set up a cool Easter Egg Hunt for the Bode-man. Keep in mind he is only two, so she didn't hide the eggs in extreme hiding places. For the most part, they were in plain site, but it was still a joy to see Bode get excited whenever he saw an egg. Here are some photos. First, we have a couple of action shots of Bode grabbing eggs. Next, we have a happy Bode holding and shaking his new-found egg. The eggs we used were the plastic kind. Ashley had put tiny chocolate eggs inside them, so they would rattle whenever Bode would shake them (which he did often).
Here's a picture of Bode with a full basket, heading back to the house to gorge on his feed courtesy of the cocoa bean.Finally, a neat little movie of Bode getting a well-hid egg.

We've had a difficult last few days. I thought I'd warn you because the next few posts may be a little disheartening, but certainly not as bad as they could have'll understand more when you read tomorrow's entry. Until then, pleasant day to all.

*Apologies to Robert Jordan, as he has a novel with the same title.

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