Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Bode Blog

Wow, I can't believe Daddy is letting me do this. Usually all I'm allowed to do at the computer is watch those d*mn Wiggles on youtube. It's not that I don't enjoy it, but there are a lot more interesting videos that I'd like to watch (I've seen some of these on Tosh.O, but Daddy usually pauses the TV when he realizes I'm watching...)

Well, as you might imagine, I have a pretty good life, although it can be a bit dull. Usually I rely on Mommy and Daddy for entertainment on the weekends. However, both seemed too busy to play with me today. Don't believe me, you say? Well that's why I figured out how to use this camera--to obtain proof of their (lack of) parenting skills. When I went looking for Mommy, here's what she was doing.Note how her back is to me, not even paying attention. Not only that, notice my E-M-P-T-Y sippy cup. What's a little man have to do to get a drink around here? Obviously a lot, as Mommy igorned my pleas for a drink and shoed me away. Fortunately (I thought), Daddy would want to play. And he was playing when I found him. Playing the piano. Again I tried to get him to come play WITH ME but much like Mommy, I was shunned.I went looking for Auburn--boy's best friend, right? Lazy bitch just wanted to lie there and lick her paws. So I ask you there in webland: Does anyone want to come play with me?

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