Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring has Sprought

Life has chugged forward, with great progress being made in some areas, while others it's been situation normal. First and foremost, Bode has been speaking. A lot. It would appear the vocal part of his genome is pure Rankin. Lots of words, lots of sentences. He spoke his first complete thought that was grammatically correct awhile ago. It was, "I don't like that, Daddy." I imagine it won't be the last time I'll hear that phrase. He'll say all sorts of things--what he wants to eat, what he wants to do, he'll ask, "Mommy, where are you?" and go looking for her. What's even neater is the little dude is developing a memory. For example, the other day we were getting into the car to go to work. Bode asks, "We going to Boonshoft?" Recall the Boonshoft is this wonderful kid's museum where Bode has tons and tons of fun. We didn't know he knew the name of the place. He asked on a number of occasions if we were going to "Boonshoft", so we felt we ought to oblige him. Here are some action photos. As soon as we get there, Bode immediately headed to the water play area. He loves it.There was some sort of promotion at the museum. As part of it, there were these giant stuffed animals roaming around. Bode didn't know exactly what to make of them. The first was some lady bug / bumble bee mix.The next was the mascot for the Dayton Dragons, a local minor league team. Bode was wary at first, but as soon as the mascot called for five (the universally acknowledged greeting for all two-year olds), Bode warmed up him.As always, the beauty of the Boonshoft is Bode is usually worn out when we get home. I left him on the couch where he was reading. It got awfully quiet, and when I checked on him, he was out cold.Overall, Bode is doing great. He doesn't have any interest in potty-training. We'll ask if he wants to go sit on the potty. His one word response: "No," period, end of discussion.

Ashley and I just came off three weeks of opposing travel. I was in Atlanta, then she was in DC, and then I was in California. We're both home this week (I think), so we'll have time to catch up and see how each other is doing :-) Pleasant day to all.

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