Monday, December 1, 2008

What a Onederful Day

Bode is now a 1-year old. I told him it's all downhill from this point...nothing but reading glasses and Viagra to look forward to...maybe I should get him started on HGH to keep him feeling young.

His birthday was great. We did...well, gosh, nothing too exciting. This year, his birthday was the day after Thanksgiving, so we thought about introducing him to Black Friday. However, before doing that, we had a family portrait taken. The pictures aren't up yet on the photographers assured, I will post the link the second they make their way to cyberspace. We hope the pictures turn out well. Unfortunately, Bode was a little fussy, so we can only hope digital effects can somehow make it look like Bode wasn't screaming (evidently he had some premonition about the Auburn-Alabama game :-)

After the photo-shoot, we went by the mall. The lot was full, packed with cars. You'd think the government was there, giving out free money (oh wait, they only do that for banks that have made poor decisions...). We opted against the mall on Friday--no sense fighting the crowds (we did go to the mall on Saturday--much more civilized). So we just went home and played with Bode. He opened his presents--some cool toys and clothes and books. He had quite a hall. His favorite? The wrapping paper (go figure, huh?). His favorite actual toy was a Thomas the Train set from his Uncle David and Aunt Kathy. Here's a movie of him watching the train go round and round.
We tried giving Bode some cake. This seems to be the one food he doesn't like. Therefore, we gave him some ice cream, which he loves. He seems to know when Daddy is getting some to eat because he always shows up when I'm dishing some it up. It would seem Auburn has taught him a thing or two about kitchen noises.

Ok, now for some photos. We did take some home-portraits of Bode on his birthday. Here's a good one of me and the kid hanging out in the hallway.
Next, we have Bode playing with one of his toys. Note how he's sitting--he can hold his butt off the ground for quite a long time. I tried mimicking his posture...sadly, this old body can't contort itself into such a position.Finally, we have Bode sitting in a big chair. He really seemed to enjoy sitting there. I think I'll have to explain to him that the boss of the family sits at the head of the table (and by boss, I, of course, mean Ashley).Well, that about wraps up year one in the life of Bode Jackson McGuirk. I told him now that he's a big-boy, he'll have to start doing some chores around the house. The forecast is for snow tonight, so I showed him where the shovel is and that I expect the driveway cleared by the time I leave for work. He looked at me and said, in his best Homer Simpson voice, "Doh."

Pleasant day.


Brantley said...

Happy Birthday Bode Man!!!! The big 01- wow. How is it that you little guys seem to make time fly? Can't believe you have been alive one whole year. Love to you all, B

RockyMtnCyclist said...

Way to go Bode! Half way to your terrible twos. Better start practicing being terrible now becuase you want to be really good at it by the time you actually turn two. (Brenna and Rylan)