Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Trip Part II: The North Pole

From the title, you can probably figure out that we went to the north pole. I don't know what all the fuss was about in the early 1900's--we didn't even need dog sleds, just a 4x4 vehicle with some car seats :-) Here's a picture of the four kids at the north pole. Boy, global warming is really taking its toll on the ice, isn't it? :-)Before anyone gets too confused (Nebraska readers), let me point out we didn't go to earth's north pole. Rather, we went to a little amusement park situated in the shadow of Pike's Peak called the North Pole. There were little rides and shops, plus it's quite hilly so the kids had to expend a lot of energy just going from point A to point B. I think we all can agree that tired children are sometimes the best children. The two older kids really enjoyed the rides (Devin and Bode were too young to ride them). Of course, Aunt Dana and Uncle Pat also got into the spirit; here they are going down the slide.
The rides were a lot like carnival rides (but safer). Dana, Brenna, and Sean went on this ride that just went around and around in a circle, and then when you thought you were done, they reversed and went backwards. Ashley nor I was brave enough to join them on this little adventure.
Here's a cute shot of the two Moms and their little babies. You probably can't tell, but Bode is wearing pink gloves (yes, he'll be scarred for life). Pat and Dana were kind enough to loan us some of Devin's mittens because somehow, we lost the pair we brought for Bode (I blame mitten-gnomes). Note also Pat and I were "nice" enough to let Dana and Ashley push the strollers (those hills are real doosies!).
Probably the highlight of the trip was feeding the baby animals. We were able to get pretty close to some little deer and goats. Bode seemed real excited, although he could have just been enjoying shaking the aluminum fence...We all had a great time at the North Pole, but we passed on visiting Santa (there was a 90-minute wait). However, as luck would have it, Santa was also at the mall. Tune in next time to see pictures of Bode and old St. Nick! Pleasant day.

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