Friday, December 26, 2008

A Visit to (and from) Santa

While we were on our vacation to Colorado, we took Bode to see Santa. We told this to one of Bode's cousin's (not sure which, but we think it was Teddy), and he responded, "Santa Claus?" Are there really a lot of Santas in the world where a last name needs to be given? Anyways, rather than make some smart-a*s comment to a two-year old, I simply responded, "Yes, Santa Claus." Here's a picture of Bode on Santa (Claus's) lap. Ok, let's fast forward a bit to the present--don't worry, I'll add one more post about our trip to Colorado, but right now, I'll give a quick Christmas update. Santa did find our house and brought us all sorts of Christmas loot. As usual, Auburn was assigned guard duty to keep me from snooping.
Now you might be asking, "What, no Christmas tree?" We did put up a tree, but we put it in the sun room because (as many of you know) small children are quite enthralled with Christmas trees (the glowing lights, the hanging ornaments, all just sooo tempting). We can seal off the sun room, so we are able to see the tree but also keep Bode away from it. Needless to say, he spent many hours just banging on the glass staring at the tree. If only he could figure out a sliding glass door...

Bode received an amazing number of presents (spoiled). Thanks to everyone (Santa) that gave him something. What's funny is out of all the cool toys with their brilliant colors and exciting noises, Bode's favorite seems to be the lid for the container of some toy blocks. Here he is playing with it.
He was also quite fascinated with the toy rope "Dog Santa" (aka my Aunt Geri) sent Auburn and Dudley. Here he is trying to take it from Mommy.
We had a wonderful Christmas. Today, we might venture to the mall, not to do any real shopping, but just to move around some to burn off some of those holiday treats. A Belated Merry Christmas to Everyone, and to all, a pleasant day.

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