Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Vet's Day

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the holiday. I say this in jest because most of you don't get Veteran's Day off. Of course, being on a Tuesday this year it's sort of a waste...not that I'm complaining. Daycare is closed, so Bode had to stay home. Evidently Ashley didn't trust me with Bode alone...something about a recent bike crash...so she took the day off. We slept in until 0700, got up, fed the piglets (Auburn, Dudley, and Bode), and then went out to run some errands. We tried to do some Christmas shopping but didn't have much luck, although Bode was fascinated by some of the cool items in Toys R Us. We told him Santa might bring him what he wants IFF (if and only if for you math types) he behaves himself.

We came back around lunch time, ate, and now Bode is napping. Ashley headed back out to run some more errands while I'm in monitoring mode. In case we didn't tell you, we did some tile work this past weekend. We took out the carpet in our foyer and replaced it with ceramic tile. It turned out pretty nice. Due to Ashley's broken finger, she was unable to do a lot of the work...lucky me. We did have a friend over at the house that helped us with some of the finer points. Plus, having a third-party expert really eliminated any possible arguments between the two of us because when in doubt, we did what Clay said. Here is a picture of the finished product.We are also taking down the wall-paper to the right of the stairs. We hope to finish that this week and paint some time in the near future. Home improvement projects never end, do they?

We've been having lots of fun with the little man. Here's Bode jamming out on the keyboard.Bode likes to mash on the keys, and the beauty of the electronic keyboard is the volume control. Sometimes Bode is more interested in the control settings, probably due to the LED's that change whenever he presses a button. He's not really playing music yet, although he does seem to like it when Ashley and I play songs on the piano. His favorite: the Star Wars theme (of course). After all that keyboarding, Bode gets sleepy. Here he is curled up with Mommy on his little blanket.
Hug a Vet today.

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