Saturday, November 8, 2008

Belated Halloween

Sorry this post is out of sequential order, but I had to wait until I had copies of the pictures. For Halloween, we did not take Bode trick-or-treating. Yes, we are bad, awful parents. However, please allow me to explain. First, let me say the state of Ohio is somewhat weird (but in a good way). You see, trick-or-treating doesn't necessarily occur on Halloween. They have something called Beggar's Night. I'm not sure of the origins, but some years, Beggar's Night and Halloween are on the same day; other years, they are not. For example, this year, Halloween was on Friday, 31 October, while Beggar's Night was on Thursday, 30 October. I'm not sure what days Beggar's Night and Halloween would fall on the same day, but I did read that if Halloween is on a Friday, Beggar's Night is on the Thursday before it because the state did not want to jeopardize attendance at high-school football games. Thus, in Ohio, football takes precedence over Halloween. Gotta love a state that has its priorities in order :-)

On Halloween, daycare asked that parents dress their kids in what they want to be when they grow up (as if they already know; I'm still trying to figure that out for myself). We remembered this the morning we were dressing Bode. Thus, we put him in a nice outfit with a cool jacket, slicked his hair, and said, "He's going to be a model." A bit of a stretch (especially if you think Bode looks like me), but at least it was something. Now here's the odd part. All the other kids in Bode's daycare room came dressed as animals (I didn't realize one had this career option). To make Bode fit in with the animals, they put a little farmer's outfit on Bode and had a farm theme going.Evidently Bode thought he was still dressed as a model and was showing off "Blue Steele" (if you haven't seen Zoolander you won't get this joke). Here's a close up of Farmer Bode with a hint of a smile.
We didn't take Bode trick-or-treating because we thought, since he's still pretty young, that we'd be just asking people for candy for us. Yes, a lame excuse. Rest assured, next year the Little Dude will be all decked out. Costume planning begins next week. Any idea where I can get a light-saber?

Pleasant Saturday.

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