Monday, May 5, 2008

Mother May I?

Hopefully you all had a good weekend. We had great fun...for some of the time. First, you may ask why am I writing this on a Monday. We are having the air conditioner's annual equipment checkup today, and my appointment window is 1 - 5 pm. So here I sit at home, awaiting the arrival of the HVAC technician. There is nothing really wrong with the AC unit--it was making an odd clicking sound, and since temperatures are starting to rise, we figured servicing it now might save us some pain during the middle of summer. It'd be nice if the tech gets here sooner rather than later...

We went to the zoo on Saturday. I forgot the camera, so we don't have any pictures; I blame Ashley because it is her job to keep me from doing stupid things. I guess we'll just have to go back. Maybe we'll wait until Bode is a little older and can better appreciate the things he is seeing. He seemed a bit too interested in things non-zoo related--the trash cans, the fascinating umbrella Mommy was holding, and the enigma of his own hand and how his fingers move. However, just getting out of the house was worth the hour drive, and after the rain stopped, it was a beautiful day. Ashley and I enjoyed seeing the animals--lions, tigers and bears, oh my, not to mention some rhinos, gorillas, elephants, and the reptile house (which I hated--those creatures give me the willies; Bode will be disowned if he decides on a career in herpetology).

An interesting thought occurred to me this weekend. I was watching the men's collegiate volleyball championship on TV. I think Penn State least the Big 10 can win at something :-) Anyways, the men's uniform is a standard shirt and shorts that come down to just above the knee. It's a typical outfit any guy would wear at the gym. This begs the question: why do women volleyball players wear the bun-huggers? What is so different about the women's game that requires such shorter shorts? Do the short-shorts let them jump higher? Better mobility? I wish someone would tell me. I could find out if only I knew how to work the google on the internet machine...(taken from Blades of Glory)

Bode is teething. Poor little guy. Yesterday was really bad because he was crying and crying. And it was a different cry than we're used to hearing. It certainly wasn't the, "Hey, how about some food?" cry, nor was it the "I'd like to be held," whimper. This was a whailing, screaming cry with tears due to the pain and discomfort. He'd take his little hands and grab at his mouth and pull on his gums and gnaw on his fingers. The dude was hurting, and there wasn't much we could do to appease him. Ashley would try to rub his gums (you can feel a little tooth up top) and I would take him outside to try to get his mind off it. Sometimes, he'd settle down and be his normal happy self...until something would set the pain off and he'd start crying again. Fortunately, he hasn't really refused food, and we did give him some Tylenol last night. After some initial fussiness, he fell asleep and slept through the night. This morning, he seemed fine, so we're hoping he's ok at day care. We can't believe he's teething already. Who gave Bode permission to grow up so fast?

Fortunately, we do have some good pictures. First, here are a couple shots from feeding time. Bode loves the Gerber bananas; he's also had carrots, peas, peaches, pears, apple sauce, and prunes. He hasn't really rejected anything, but he doesn't seem as enthusiastic about the peas...just like his Mommy.
He's not yet the neatest of eaters. He still needs a good washing when he's done, but he doesn't whack the spoon near as often with his hands as he used to...
Next we have Bode doing his impression of a cowboy, except in his little world, cowboys ride stuffed dinosaurs.Every day after work, we take Auburn for a walk. Bode is still small enough to squeeze into the Baby-Bjorn carrier. He loves it. He also loves seeing the baby in the mirror; not quite sure if he knows it's himself that he's seeing.Finally, we conclude with a picture of Bode and Dudley; as you can see, Bode has just about surpassed Dudley in terms of size.Happy May and Pleasant Day.

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