Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Post Memorial Day Blues

Well, Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone, and I think we spent the entire weekend eating. Well, maybe not the entire weekend, but we certainly strapped on the feed sack more than your average bear. Friday night, we went out to dinner. Buffalo Wild Wings has become one of our favorite restaurants. Certainly not because of the fine cuisine (although the wings are tasty); rather, there is a lot of ambient noise (tv's, people talking, etc.) and a lot of things to watch. Bode is enthralled by all that is going on, so he's quite well-behaved. However, sensory overload does take its toll and he's usually asleep by the time we finish eating. Saturday, Bode got us up early (before 0700; I remember when early meant before noon...yes, I'm getting old). Ashley and I took turns watching Bode and tried to catch up on the household chores (laundry, cleaning, mowing, etc...don't you wish you had this much fun on your weekends?) Auburn got into the spirit and "helped" me wash the comforter for our bed. Evidently a dog washes something by laying her big stinky body on it.
Fortunately, we didn't clean all day. At noon, we went to some friends house (Jen and Coy) for a little barbecue, which was very nice and relaxing. Coy was kind enough to let me play with his Wii (two years ago, that statement would have a vastly different meaning). He whupped me a number of times in some fighting game, and then destroyed me in this puzzle solving contest. I miss Pong...Saturday night we stayed at home, digested the food, and we each read a book. Ashley is reading Stephen King's Duma Key. When she first started, I ask her how it was. She said, "Ok, I don't know if I can get into it." I guess the action picked up because every time I turn around, Ashley is reading, many times with Bode zonked out on her lap. I finished reading Revelation, which is Book Eight in the Legacy of the Force series, a set of nine books in which Jacen Solo (Han and Leia's son--do I have to tell you people everything?) turns to the dark side and takes over the galaxy. It kind of feels like three books stretched out into nine (money grab?), so let's just say that I'm glad I only have one more to read. Below is a picture of my Star Wars book collection. I have 73 in all, which just means everyone now has 73 more reasons to come visit us in Dayton...or you could look at it another way and say you have 73 pieces of evidence documenting my loser-hood :-)Sunday, Ashley was nice enough to watch Bode while I went for a bike ride with a friend (Clay). I think Ashley just wanted some alone time to read her book. Clay and I rode 22 miles, which isn't really a whole lot, but for the first time back in the saddle all year, it was enough of a work out for me. I think we'll go again on Saturday. Ashley might join us because we're talking about getting a carrier to attach to our bikes so we could take Bode. I'm not looking forward to hauling that extra weight around, but, as Ashley pointed out, I can always use the extra exercise. Bode has also been "working out." We bought him an "exersaucer," which is a contraption which helps him stand up. He seems to enjoy banging and pulling on the toys.
The exersaucer must make Bode hungry because the kid ate a side of beef this past weekend. He's literally eating every 2-3 hours. Here is what he ate on Sunday. 0700: 7 oz milk (breakfast). 0900: 4 oz rice cereal and 3.5 oz Gerber pears (2nd breakfast). 1115: 7 oz milk (brunch). 1400: 3.5 oz Gerber sweet potatoes and 3.5 oz Gerber bananas (midafternoon snack). 1630: 6 oz milk (presupper). 1830: 3.5 oz Gerber mixed vegetables and 2.5 oz Gerber apple sauce (supper). 2030: 7 oz milk (bedtime snack). The dude is a little pig. I took a movie of him eating. The footage is actually quite boring and won't be winning any awards; I'll post it at a later date if I'm desperate for material. I guess we should be happy that he's a good eater. A lot of times, we can't get the spoon to his mouth fast enough; if we are dawdling, his little legs will start kicking, as if to say, "Hurry up, man, I'm starving!"

Monday was a trip to some friends' house (Clay and Sue) for more food. Clay introduced us to the world's greatest appetizer: bacon. Yes, bacon as an appetizer. Who would have thought. Of course, I guess you can serve bacon at any time and it would be welcome. I'm surprised there isn't a bacon-flavored Gatorade to quench that thirst after a long run on a hot day. We had a nice visit at Clay and Sue's, and sadly, the day came to an end. We spent Monday night at home, the five of us just resting in the family room discussing our busy week ahead: Wednesday morning, family pictures; Wednesday afternoon, meet with daycare to discuss Bode's "promotion" to the 6-12 month old room; Thursday morning, Bode's 6-month checkup; Friday morning, Jeff's 35-year checkup (yikes). I guess we'll have to figure out how to work somewhere in between. But until then, we all can catch up on our sleep.
Pleasant 4-day week to you all.

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