Saturday, March 30, 2024

Carnage in Colorado

On Thursday morning, I got a phone call from Bode. I was working, so I ignored it. He called again, and I ignored it thinking I'd call him back in a few minutes. I then got the dreaded text: It's urgent. So I dropped what I was doing, called Bode, and found out Ashley had broken her arm after a bad fall while snow-boarding. She had to be skied down the mountain by the snow patrol, and they took x-rays in the hospital at the base of the mountain; not good.

That is Ashley's right arm, and she was in a lot of pain. They considered doing surgery, but opted against it, so the poor girl had to fly home with her arm in a splint; any type of motion caused those bones to move, and that, according to her, was very unnerving (and painful). Fortunately, Ashley has some amazing friends that got her in with an incredible doctor over in Pensacola; he was able to get Ashley in for surgery this past Monday; doc patched her up with one plate and ten screws.
Amazingly, she is not even in a cast. She can start moving her arm now and can start rehab next week, so she is very blessed that it was not more serious than it was; in fact, the doc told her this surgery is "a layup" for him--very straight-forward, does them all the time. She actually worked most of this week, and she even was the track official at a high-school track meet this weekend. Go Ashley!

Sadly, Bode did not return without an injury. He fell early during the ski trip and thought he sprained his thumb. It didn't seem to be getting any better, so I took him to the doc. He has something called skier's thumb (yes, really), and a small bone in his thumb is displaced. It is the small bone at the bottom left of the middle joint; it is not where it should be.
We had a lot of different options, but long story short, the hand specialist over in Pensacola said "no surgery; we'll put him in a cast for six weeks, and he should be fine." Not what Bode wanted to hear, but he knew he was going to be sidelined for awhile after the initial diagnosis, but six weeks from this past Thursday is probably the best news it could have been. What I find funny (not really) is that Bode has such a small break while Ashley's arm was snapped in half, yet he is the one in the cast. He can't swim for six weeks, so I'm trying to do stuff with him to help him stay fit. We did get everyone out to Peppers for dinner the other night; all seemed in good spirits.
Bode has some Go-Pro videos from the trip, and he has promised me he'd get them to me, but as of yet, nothing; I'll gently nudge him with a cattle prod to see if I can get him to do something :-) Here's hoping everyone heals up quickly and we can get back to our normal routines (I'm currently the only one that can shower without first having to put a plastic bag on :-)

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