Sunday, September 18, 2022

Labor Day Weekend

Over Labor Day, Dad and Janet came down for a visit. We had a wonderful time, but we probably ate too much :-) On Saturday, Dad and I went to play pickleball; we were worried because it had rained the night before, but the courts were dry, and we played for close to three hours with my friends. Sadly, no pictures were taken. We did get some lovely sunset pictures on the dock. First up is Bode and Grandpa.

Next is a nice one of Bode, Grandpa, and Janet.
Here is one of Dad and me.

And finally, one of Janet, Dad, and me. I think Ashley was busy cooking, which is why she is not pictured.

We did play a few hands of gin. I think Grandpa was the big winner, although I think Bode destroyed the score sheet :-)
We had a wonderful visit, and we have promised to make the trip up to South Carolina, although now that Bode is in high school, his schedule seems to dictate a lot of what we do :-)

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