Sunday, July 24, 2022

Odds and Ends

July is quickly approaching its final days.  Summer has gone by too fast, yet we also feel like we have done a lot (of eating...but that is a different story :-)  Bode started high school band camp last week and was recently fitted for his uniform.  He looks so old in these pictures :-)

Part of his uniform is an elaborate head-dress.  We have spent MANY hours gluing feathers.  Fortunately, Ashley is far better at arts and crafts than Bode and me, so she has been the guiding light through this project.  We are just about done--only a couple more rows of feathers to go!

The dogs continue to do well, although neither likes the heat and Rowdy is, well, rowdy.

We had quite the scare a few weeks ago.  The Xterra was making a funny noise, so Ashley was taking it to the shop.  Bode and I were driving right behind her when the front tire came off.  Amazingly no one was hurt, our car suffered minimal damage, and the wheel hit an oncoming truck but did little more than dent its fender.  This could have been much worse, and we are all thankful for this summer miracle.
Pleasant week to all.

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