Monday, May 30, 2022


In what has become another tradition much like the polar plunge, the McGuirk Trio did the Memorial Day Murph workout this morning. This consists of running one mile, doing 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air-squats, and then running another mile. The real warriors wear a weighted-vest when doing this; we opted against this part. Ashley and Bode each did one-half of Murph (they both ran the two miles), while I did the full workout, coming in at 47:14, which is two seconds slower than my time from last year. I guess it is hard to beat Father Time :-) Here are some pictures. First, Bode and Ashley preworkout.

Next, a good one of me and the "little" man.
We also took a pic with Sondra, her daughter Mia, and her friend, Sam. Mia and Sam both go to Choctaw and are a year ahead of Bode. 
After a brief warm-up, the starting gun sounded, and we were off. I took a quick break mid-workout to take the following pictures. You can see Ashley repping out her push-ups, Sondra and Sam are doing air-squats, and Mia is off to mark another successful round.
Here's Bode getting ready to tear that pull-up bar down.
After it was all said and done, we posed for a family photo.
The garden is going great. We have had a number of handfuls of blackberries thanks to the bird net keeping the birds away.
This could also be the first year we get blueberries. There are close to fifty growing right now; here is hoping the pests don't get to them. It is hard to see them through the net, but they are there.
We are exhausted :-) Ashley is asleep in her hammock while Bode and I are going to watch something on TV.  Perhaps later we'll relax in the bay and take Rowdy for a swim--he's becoming quite the water dog! Happy Memorial Day to all!

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