Sunday, May 8, 2022

County Swim Meet

 Bode's final middle school meet (ever) was yesterday.  I think there were eight or nine middle schools from the area competing.  Fortunately, the weather cooperated, and it was a beautiful day.  Before he swam, Bode took a nice picture with his mother.

Bode swam the 200 freestyle and the 50 butterfly. Here he is getting ready for his first event.
He swam well and improved his 200-time by one second; he finished second overall, which is outstanding for our little orca.
His next event was the 50-fly. Here is another pre-race shot.
The guy to Bode's right is Juan, and he swims on Bode's club team.  Juan has the fastest 50-fly and 50-free times this year for a kid his age (amazingly, Juan is only 12). Here's a video of the race; Bode too the bronze :-)
While we are sad to see the middle school season end, we are thrilled that we no longer have to get up at 4:20 am three times a week for practice...then again, maybe we shouldn't be thrilled because he'll have to do this five times a week for high school practice :-)  Happy Mother's Day to all.

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