Sunday, December 26, 2021

A Merry Christmas

 We had a wonderful Christmas.  On Christmas Eve, we had our tree all lit up awaiting the arrival of the fat man.

Thankfully Santa cleared the COVID protocols and was able to make his deliveries to our house.  Barkley was pleased to have a number of new toys in her stocking.
She also received a new blanket from our neighbor.
Bode also got a new blanket to keep warm under during the cold Florida winters.  His blanket is musically themed.
We got wonderful presents from all of our family and extended family members.  Bode was thrilled when he received a new Xbox; he told us he was surprised because he heard they were difficult to get.  I told him Santa can get lots of things, to which he replied, "Well he isn't real," and then proceeded to thank Ashley and me and give us each a hug :-)  

We had a lovely dinner at JoAnne and Frank's.  Olivia, Jason, and Jay were there as well, so we had a nice family gathering.
Bode even posed for a picture with his grandparents.  Looks like he's taller than Papa.
We lounged around the house the rest of the day.  Bode played a new game on his Oculus.  What you see on the computer screen is what he sees inside his headset.

We had a wonderful Christmas this year, although Ashley and I discussed that there are only four more Christmases until Bode graduates from high school.  This is both exciting and a little sad, but we figured he'd grow up when we had him fourteen years ago :-)  Merry Christmas +1 to all!

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