Monday, October 11, 2021

Swim Meet Part 2

 Day 2 of the latest swim meet was on Sunday, which means we didn't get much of a weekend in terms of sleeping in.  However, with Monday being a holiday...that neither Ashley nor I get least Bode could catch up on his sleep.

His first event Sunday morning was the 100-back.  Here he is pre-race; note the laser focus.

Next, we have Bode at the start.
Bode swam a personal best in the 100-back by finishing in 1:08; shaving eight seconds off his previous best (to be fair, he hadn't swum the 100-back in awhile...)

Three races, three PRs...and at this point, Bode said he was tired, which isn't good when you have to do a 100-fly.  Bode did great, finishing, but his time of 1:06 matched his previous best.
I think he was ticked because Madsen (swimming in the lane next to him) beat Bode, and previously, Bode has beaten Madsen; always good to have someone pushing you :-)  Bode also swam the 100-free, finishing in right at 1:00, matching his previous best time, but I could tell he was dragging.

Auburn lost this past weekend, so Ashley has been in a foul mood; it is not looking good for her team, so it looks like six more weeks of winter for us :-)  Pleasant week to all!

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