Saturday, October 9, 2021

Swim Meet Part 1

 Bode had a swim meet today.  He swam two events--the 50-free and the 200-free (he has three events tomorrow).  Warm up started at 7:00 am, which was very early for the weekend.  Still, Bode doesn't complain about swimming, so I guess I shouldn't either ;-)

After the warm up, we took a quick picture of Bode and Ashley.

The first event was the 50-free.  Bode swam awesome, shaving a full second off his best time and finishing in 26:87.  Below is the race; Bode is in Lane 1.  
I think he was 4th or 5th overall , which was great because Bode swims against some fast kids.  And we think Bode is better suited for the longer distances.  Case in point, Bode had an hour of rest before the 200-free.  He won the event in a best time 2:09:99.  He beat his buddies Sawyer, Jai, and Madden, all of whom beat him in the 50-free.  I didn't take a movie; I guess I didn't think Bode would win :-)  But I did take some pictures.  First, we have Bode on the block.
Next, here he is just after the starting gun.
Finally, he's Bode on the 3rd lap; note he's out front and leading.  We thought he might not have enough in the tank, but he surprised us and finished strong and hard.

We are very proud of how hard he has been working.  He has three events tomorrow--100-free, 100-back, and the 100-fly; stay tuned!

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