Sunday, April 11, 2021

Odds and Ends

I forgot that I had taken some Easter-egg coloring pictures on my phone.  Here are a couple shots of Bode McGuirk, master egg-dyer.

Bode had a swim meet yesterday.  The weather was crazy--horrific thunderstorms to start the day, and I thought there was no chance we'd have the meet.  However, a little after noon, the rain subsided, and the weather started to improve, so we headed out to Destin.  Bode swam in the two relays, and he also swam the 100-yard free and the 50-fly.  His 100-yard free time was a personal best, finishing in 1:01--a little faster and he'll break the 1-minute barrier.  The race was amazingly close, and we're very proud of the little man for finishing strong and getting the win.
We thought he was dying there towards the end of the third lap, but after his turn, you can see his kick really "kicked in." He got second in the 50-fly with a time of 30 seconds; this race was right after the 100-free, so he was a little winded.  I think if Bode were fresh that the race between the two boys would be very close.
Nothing too exciting going on here.  The dogs are doing well.  Both dogs got kennel-cough last week (basically a cold for dogs).  The docs put Joey on an antibiotic because with his weakened immune system (due to the chemotherapy), there was a small chance he could develop pneumonia.  We are happy to say this did not happen, and both are doing fine.  Joey will go back on Wednesday for another round of chemo, and we will hope we continue to see good progress.
Here is a close-up of Barkley.  Look at those pearly-white teeth, likely the result of the brushing we do :-)
Here is a cute one of Joey and me.
Bode will probably spend the day playing on his Oculus.
Maybe I can convince him to come out to the carriage house and lift with me.  Happy week to everyone.

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