Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter

We have had a nice relaxing Easter weekend.  Bode had a swim meet on Saturday.  Meigs swam against Ruckell Middle School, and there are probably 10 - 15 kids that swim on Ruckell's team that also swim on Coast; hence, they are very strong.  Additionally, they have this one kid that is only twelve, but he look likes he's sixteen (start of a mustache, hair on his body, etc), and he is a very strong swimmer.  Bode swam against him in the butterfly and took second (the kid was three seconds faster, which is just amazing).  Here is Bode on the block getting ready for the race.

I think Ashley has a movie on her phone, but I don't want to go through the hassle of prying the phone from her hands :-)  In the 50-fly, Bode beat another teammate from Coast, and I was really proud of him for doing so, because when we first moved here, this other kid was a much stronger swimmer than Bode.  Bode also swam the 200-free, and he wasn't thrilled about it.  There were three other Coast swimmers in the race; one of them is an 8th grader, and he is in the lane next to Bode; Bode did great keeping up with him the first couple laps, but I actually think this was a mistake. Bode swam the first 100 in ~1:05, which matches his best 100-free time.  Thus, I think it was too fast.  Still, he took second place, and he beat the kid in lane six, which was another kid that was faster than Bode when we first moved here.  Bode swam the 200 in 2:18, which is by far his best time (probably because he had not raced it in a year or so).
After the swim meet, we got Buffalo Wild Wings and enjoyed an evening at home.  We also colored some Easter eggs, which the Easter bunny came and hid early this morning.  Ashley and Bode had a contest to see who could find more eggs.  I took a picture of the two competitors before they headed out.
I also took some action shots of the Great Hunt.
I think Bode finished with slightly more eggs than Ashley, probably because he was a little bit more aggressive.  After the hunt, we went out and played two rounds of Goofy Golf; Bode won the first round fair and square, while I took the second round.  For the rest of the afternoon, we have lazed around the house and enjoyed a day off from all activities.  Happy Easter to all!

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