Monday, July 20, 2020

Baywatch Bode

Bode was at the Okaloosa County Junior Lifeguard camp all of last week.  He got to spend seven hours a day on the beach--he probably doesn't realize how good he has it, as Ashley and I told him we'd love to do this all summer.  But it's not all fun and games; these kids are working.  The county does a good job posting pictures to their Facebook page, which is where I got the pictures below.  These aren't in sequential order by any means, so I'll just try to relate to you what Bode told me about the pictures.  They do make the kids workout--push-ups, swimming, and a lot of running back and forth on the beach.  I think they might even have to run four miles tomorrow!

In the below picture, Bode is the boy closest to the front (his form is far from perfect...)
In the running picture, Bode is NOT the boy leading the pack; he's back towards the middle--no need to show off, as he says.
The kids also learn some actual life-saving stuff--they don't get certified in CPR, but they are shown the basics with some of the CPR dummies and know how to use the boards; Bode looks less than enthralled. 
 The beach time has to be the best part of the day, and they gets lots of it.  They need to drink a lot of water and use a lot of sun screen because it was so hot last week, and just as hot this week (it's a two-week camp). 
I wish I could embed the Baywatch theme song for this next picture, as it's Bode running out with his life-saving buoy.  He'll be starring in his own TV show in no time.
I don't know if Bode is in this picture, but I included it because Bode has said the kids and the lifeguards swim out past the end of the pier; this picture does a good job of showing how far out that is.
 Here's one final shot of the kids lying in the sand.  I think Bode is the fourth kid from the front.
You can see all the pictures if you use the google and search for Okaloosa county junior lifeguard program and go to their Facebook page; I got all the ones of Bode, but these pictures show you more of what the kids having been doing.

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