Saturday, July 25, 2020

Swim Meet

Bode's swim team had a swim meet today.  It was not a typical swim meet with swimmers from other teams.  Rather, Bode's team swam in Destin, and a team from Panama City swam the same events.  We didn't want to hold a large gathering of people, but we did want to give the swimmers a chance to compete, so this was a good compromise.

Here's a picture of Bode relaxing before his first event.
Next are some pictures of Bode doing the 100 individual medley.  His best time coming into the race was 1:25; he clocked a 1:19, and looked great.  Here he is getting ready--note the timers had to wear masks.
 Here's Bode doing the back stroke.
 Here's Bode doing the breast stroke.  We were very impressed with how much he improved with this stroke.  His coach had noticed his kick wasn't quite right; now, he's not the fastest breast-stroker, but he certainly didn't lag behind like he used to do :-)
Bode swam the 50-freestyle in 32 seconds, matching his previous best.  He was a little disappointed because he said he had swum 31's in practice, but the race did happen less than ten minutes after the 100-IM, so he was probably tired.  He finished with the 50-butterfly, and, amazingly, he won in a time just under 36 seconds, almost two seconds faster than his previous PR.
We aren't doing much today--it's now raining, and Ashley has been doing a lot of cleaning.  I guess I should go help her... then again, maybe I'll go play Mario Kart with Bode :-)

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