Saturday, June 27, 2020

Swim Test

Bode is scheduled for a junior lifeguard camp starting on 13 July.  We are hopeful it will go as scheduled, but who knows with how things are currently going.  In preparation for the camp, Bode had to do a 200-meter swim test in the ocean.  I'm sure it's a little different swimming out in the waves, but the little man did great.  Here's Bode getting ready to go; the guy on the board out in the ocean is where he had to swim.
Here he is in mid-swim.
And here he is coming out.  The beach doesn't look too crowded, but I assure, to the left, the beach was packed.
The carriage house is really taking shape.  The brick is just about done, with all that remains is the final brick layer that borders between the siding and the brick. 
The interior is almost ready for paint; I believe Ashley has all the colors picked, and there are only a couple more days of finishing work before the color can go on the walls.
Joey and I were out on the dock this afternoon.  Every now and then some ducks swim by, and we think Joey might jump in one day and try to get one.
While we were out there, this boat drive by.  It's pretty slick looking, and I told Ashley we'd go out and get her one :-)
The boat was load--sounded like a NASCAR engine and looked like something from Miami Vice.  We aren't up to much, as things are packed here down in Florida pre-fourth of July.  We'll see how the week goes and whether or not we get locked down again.  Pleasant week to all.

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