Monday, May 25, 2020

Garden Update

I've had hit-and-miss success with the garden this year.  We've gotten about three or four pints of blackberries, and it's been much better since I put a bird net over them.
The field peas have also done very well.
They don't all ripen at the same time, so we've been harvesting them, shelling them, and freezing them.  In a few more days, we'll have enough for a meal.
I had to rip out all the cucumbers; they got a fungus, and it spreads very quickly.  I've replanted some more, and I plan on spraying each new leaf with a fungicide; we'll see if we have any success.  We are on the second round of strawberries, and I'm hopeful we'll get some big ones.
The carriage house is coming along nicely.  Most of the siding is on, with the exception of the pieces around the front windows. 
The plumbing and electrical are also done.  All the drywall has been delivered, but it can't be installed until we get some inspections from the county.  We are also waiting on the brick, which will go beneath the siding.

Bode and I have been playing a lot of badminton.  We have an almost-regulation court in the front yard--it needs to be two feet longer on each end to be a real court, but there are only so many trees Ashley will let me take out :-)
Bode and I even got some new rackets; we'd be playing right now, but it's a little windy.  Maybe someday Ashley will let me put up those forty-foot windscreens :-)

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