Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend

We've had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.  On Saturday, we had a low-country boil of crab legs and shrimp, along with some potatoes, sausage, and corn.  The Tobiks--Stacey, Carter, and Tim--came over for an afternoon of eating; we must have gorged ourselves, because I forgot to take many pictures.  I did take a picture of Tim and Carter out on the waverunners.
While we were eating, we realized Ashley and I (and Bode too) have been in the house on Poquito Road for two years now; we also realized this was the first time we'd had the Tobiks over.  Amazing (and a bit scary) how fast time flies, and that you really need to make time to spend with your friends.  Bode, Tim, Carter, and I did play a little badminton, but it is probably best that I forgot to take pictures :-)

On Sunday, Ashley and I did some roller-blading, and then we convinced Bode to ride our bikes down to the Sonic for some shakes/slushies (we really had to twist his arm).  In the evening, Bode and I played some Wii--we got a new CD of Mario Kart, so we are rediscovering how to play that classic game.

Today (Memorial Day), Ashley and I went to her gym and did the Murph hero workout, which consists of a one-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 air-squats, and then another one-mile run.  The hard-core people wear a 25-pound weighted vest while doing it; we are not hardcore :-)  Still, we finished the workout, and I even beat my best time, finishing in 45:10.  Afterwards, and after I spent some time outside wondering if I was going to throw up, we took some pictures.  First is a nice shot of Ashley and me.
Ashley's gym partner, Sondra, also did the workout, so we got a group picture.
This afternoon, Sondra and her youngest daughter, Mia, came over for a little food and relaxation.  We ate chicken, hot-dogs, and too many pieces of this killer cheesecake medley Sondra brought.  Afterwards, Bode, Mia, and I swam in the bay while Sondra and Ashley relaxed on the dock; we had a lovely time visiting with Sandra and Mia and hope to make this an annual Memorial Day tradition :-)

Tonight, we definitely do not need to eat anything else...that probably is true for tomorrow as well.  Bode will (hopefully) finish up his online school this week and be done with the 6th grade.  Pleasant week to all.

Garden Update

I've had hit-and-miss success with the garden this year.  We've gotten about three or four pints of blackberries, and it's been much better since I put a bird net over them.
The field peas have also done very well.
They don't all ripen at the same time, so we've been harvesting them, shelling them, and freezing them.  In a few more days, we'll have enough for a meal.
I had to rip out all the cucumbers; they got a fungus, and it spreads very quickly.  I've replanted some more, and I plan on spraying each new leaf with a fungicide; we'll see if we have any success.  We are on the second round of strawberries, and I'm hopeful we'll get some big ones.
The carriage house is coming along nicely.  Most of the siding is on, with the exception of the pieces around the front windows. 
The plumbing and electrical are also done.  All the drywall has been delivered, but it can't be installed until we get some inspections from the county.  We are also waiting on the brick, which will go beneath the siding.

Bode and I have been playing a lot of badminton.  We have an almost-regulation court in the front yard--it needs to be two feet longer on each end to be a real court, but there are only so many trees Ashley will let me take out :-)
Bode and I even got some new rackets; we'd be playing right now, but it's a little windy.  Maybe someday Ashley will let me put up those forty-foot windscreens :-)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Bode has been learning Greensleeves on the violin.  I think he sounds awesome, but he said he..."had a shaky bow" in the recording below.  All the students in the sinfonietta are making recordings of them playing the same piece of music.  I think the conductor is going to piece them together to make it sound like an orchestra.  When he does, I'll be sure to upload the file (or if it's too big, I'll upload the link).  I don't know if you can see the ear piece in Bode's left ear.  They all had to play using a metronome to ensure they had the same beats-per-minute.
Things are starting to open up here.  In fact, I'm going to the music store to pick up some more valve oil for Bode's trumpet.  I might also hit the grocery store for some more blueberries, as Bode seems to go through four packs a day since he's home all the time.  Pleasant day to all.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Water Skiing

We decided to get back out into society and take some water-skiing lessons.  We scheduled an hour lesson at this ski-school out past Sandestin.  Turns out, we had some wild fires here a couple days ago, and this one fire burned to within one mile of this place.  Very scary indeed!

We arrived with a few minutes to spare, so Bode and Ashley posed for a picture.  The little man is going to be taller than his mother in a few months.
It was a beautiful day here--a little on the cool side as it wasn't much warmer than 80.
Bode was the first to go.  Normally we'd ride in the boat with him, but I think they are limiting the contact people have on their boats due to the virus.  Thus, we watched from the dock.
Bode started off great on two skis--little man shot right up.
Bode did some skiing on two skis and he dropped a ski and slalomed.  He didn't try getting up on just one ski--maybe next time.  Here's a good action sequence--Bode is not thrilled that I posted the last picture of the bunch.
Little man ate it :-)  He skied for over 30 minutes, so I'm sure he was exhausted.  Here he is coming back to the dock.
Next, it was Ashley's turn to do some boarding.
Like a seasoned pro, she popped right out of the water on the first pull.
Here are some action photos.
Here's a neat sequence of Ashley going around the island.
All in all, it was a great down out of the house.  We stopped and ate at an actual restaurant on the way home--no take out required!  We did wash our hands when we got home :-)  Happy weekend to all!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Carriage House Update

The carriage house is really coming along.  Windows are installed, and plumbing and electrical has started.  We think it looks great, but we are also anxious for it to be completed.
 Not sure how much you can tell in the above picture, but a lot of the soffits have been built.  Note also the windows are installed, which really makes it look like a house.
 The top window in the above picture isn't installed because I think it's easier for the guys to throw stuff out the window vice carrying it down the stairs.  Once all the big construction is done, the final window will be installed.
The piles of stuff in the driveway are the siding for the house.  There will be brick along the bottom and wood siding above.  The brick isn't here at the house just yet, but it should be very soon.  There has been a lot of work to the interior as well, but I'm not sure how well this shows up in pictures.
 The above is the lower level.  You can see the white sewer pipe coming down from the ceiling.
The above two shots are the upstairs--the living quarters.  All the framing is down, and there are some light fixtures in place along the ceiling--no power yet to the fixtures, but progress is progress.  Ashley has also ordered the kitchenette cabinets, the appliances, and I think she's close to deciding on a vanity.  After that, I think the floors need to be picked out.  We haven't really asked when things will be "move-in" ready, but we are hoping for July. 

Not much else going on around here, but I think the dogs like having us home so much.
Happy Cinco de Mayo to all.