Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Last Post of 2019

Per the usual, we will finish the year with Bode's school picture.
Quite a good-looking young man.  Next year at this time, he'll be a full-fledged teenager, which is quite terrifying because it seems like yesterday that Bode was in kindergarten and second-grade.
We had another wonderful year in 2019, but, and I've said this in many previous posts, it's hard not to when you have these people in your life.
As I said in a previous post, we were away for the last few days.  The dogs probably weren't walked as much as they would have liked, and they always get sooo excited when it's been awhile since their last excursion.
We have no major plans for New Year's Eve.  Bode has been pestering us about staying up until the stroke of midnight; we'll see if we can make it that far this year.  Perhaps we should try seeing that it's the end of a decade and the start of another. 

Hopefully we'll see all of you in 2020 (and we also hope this d*mn guest house will be built before 2021 :-) 

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