Monday, November 11, 2019

Science Project

Bode had to do a science project for school.  They needed to show the five layers of the earth's crust, and they also had to write a story.  Here's Bode's finished product.

Ashley and I did help Bode just a little bit with the model.  However, he wrote the entire story himself; the only help I gave him was with spelling and punctuation.  Therefore, I present to you, Bode's first story.

The Journey to the Core
 by Bode McGuirk

 Sometime in the future, in the United States, there were two men named Marcus and Brandon who wanted to know what the layers of the Earth were. They were so interested that the wanted to travel directly to the center of the Earth, so they came up with heat resistant pads which they thought would protect them from the temperature of what lies beneath the Earth’s crust.
  Brandon (he had the idea for the heat pads) said, “Marcus how’s the drill going?”
  Marcus replied, “Great how about the heat pads?” 
  “We might have to delay our plans,” said Brandon sadly.
  “Why?” questioned Marcus.
  “The heating pads may not be able to handle the heat from the Earth’s core,” replied Brandon.
  “Nonsense” said Marcus confidently. “The heating pads have been able to block the heat from rocket ships!!!”
  “But…” Brandon tried to speak but Marcus said, “No buts. This will work. We have been working on this for years.”
  Brandon asked, “Even if the heat pads work, where do you plan on getting a power source to power the drill and the heat pads?” 
  Marcus said, “ I was busy while you were working on the heat pads.” Marcus lifted some strange object and showed Brandon.
  Brandon said in amazement, “Where did you get one of those!?”
  Marcus replied, “ I have my ways,” as Brandon was still shocked.
  Brandon said, “That is a quantum fusion reactor. I thought those were millions of dollars. How did you get one?”
  “I built one,” replied Marcus.
  Brandon asked, “Where did you get the parts for one?”
  “I bought most of them,” Marcus said, “and got some of them from a friend.”
  Brandon said, “Well let’s get to installing this reactor.”
  After three months of hard work, Marcus said, “I think it is finally finished.”
  “Well. we still need to make sure the heat pads are working and make sure there are no holes.” Brandon replied.
  “I was doing that while you were installing the reactor,” said Marcus. “I also added a massive teleporter so just in case we won’t lose the drill or our lives.”
  “Well let’s start drilling down then,” said Brandon in amazement.
  “Wait--first we must learn what the layers are so we know what layer we will be in and how hot they are,” Marcus said.
  “Why must we know how hot they are?” questioned Brandon?
  “So we know what layer we are in. And I forgot I never told you I put a thermometer on the drill.”
   “Oh that makes sense,” said Brandon, “but what layer are we standing on right now?”
  “Let me look it up,” said Marcus “ It says that we are standing on the lithosphere.”
   Brandon asked, “ What is the next one?”
  “You will find out,” Marcus said, “so lets start drilling!!!”
  Brandon and Marcus got in the drill and started drilling away. After awhile the thermometer read 300 degrees Celsius. Brandon said in amazement, “The heat pads worked!!!”
  “I told you they would work,” said Marcus, “ but just look how hot it is already. We are only in the second layer and according to my research the asthenoshpere is part of the lithoshpere.”
  Brandon replied, “ I could have sworn we were on the fourth layer. How hot is the inner core then?!?!”
  “Very hot” said Marcus.
  After a day of digging the thermometer read 600 degrees Celsius.  As the two men kept digging, they threw a rock out the back of the drill to see what would happen to it. The two men were surprised when the rock started to melt. Brandon said “ How hot must it be to melt that type of rock!?”
  “Pretty hot” replied Marcus. As the two kept digging, Marcus noticed that the thermometer started glowing. Marcus was becoming worried about the heating pads.
  After a long time of digging they get to the outer core, but the two men didn’t know yet because the thermometer melted.  They would have to wait for the pressure barometer to tell what the pressure is. “It appears we have entered the outer core,” said Marcus
  “Indeed we have” replied Brandon. Marcus noticed the heating pads starting to glow.
  Marcus said worried, “this is bad”
  Finally the two reached the inner core. Marcus said, “We have reached the inner core.”
  Brandon said very worriedly, “The heating pads are getting too hot, and the drill is getting crush!!! We need to teleport now!”  Brandon and Marcus both ran as fast as they could to the teleporter just before the heating pad failed.  They teleported back to the earth’s surface.  They both were relieved when the saw the outside of their houses.
  “We barely made it out alive,” Brandon said.
  “Well we turned out all right. I don’t think the drill did” said Marcus. Brandon turned around and saw the beat up drill. “I think it’s still in good enough condition that we can get some parts out of it.” The two men started scrapping the drill.
  “Well at least the reactor and teleporter are still alright. We can sell them for money for our next adventure,” Marcus said.
  “Well, see you next time Brandon.” The two men went home and thought of what they should do next.     
The End...?

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