Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ashley VR

After our Thanksgiving feast, we had another birthday cake for Bode.  Thus, in four days, we've had three cakes in our house, which means we all need to go on a diet (except Joey--the big boy has lost ten pounds since we started feeding him less).  It was such a beautiful day here that we decided to have the cake outside.  First up is the cake--note we couldn't get the candles into the frozen ice cream cake Ashley made, so I had to put them in some of the leftover cake from a few days ago.  Note Jason, Olivia, and Papa were all anxiously awaiting their dessert :-)
Here's a nice shot of Nana and Jay, who was trying his best to get to the lit candles.
Next we have Bode getting ready to blow the candles out while Jasser watches.
Finally, a shot after the candles were blown out (although he did take two tries).
Such a good-looking birthday boy.  For the record, Bode is just about 62 inches tall and weighs 115 pounds (he's a solid kid--lots of beef on his legs).

We've all enjoyed playing on Bode's new oculus.  Beat Saber is a fun game where you use light-sabers to chop up blocks.  I was skeptical about the virtual reality at first, but I'm quite impressed at how far it has come.  Here's a movie of Ashley playing.
And here's a movie of Bode playing.  Bode's movie is smaller because it was longer, and I had to reduce its size due to the 100 Mbyte restriction.
With the end of Thanksgiving, let the Christmas season begin! Only 27 more shopping days until the fat man arrives.

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