Thursday, October 31, 2019

All Saint's Eve

We went trick-or-treating tonight.  Bode went as Zoom, one of the evil speedsters from The Flash television series.  Ashley surprised Bode and wouldn't tell him her costume until today when she debuted it.  Bode was not amused.
An explanation is probably in order.  Bode hates unicorns.  Well, I don't know if he would hate them on his own accord.  However, ever since he was young, we would joke that he was watching My Little Pony or something with Rainbow Unicorns.  Thus, it's been a running gag--anytime we see something unicorn-esque, we tell Bode we're gonna get it for him.  This is why he was less than amused with Ashley's costume.  Still, he did pose for some nice pictures with his cool-as-hell-Mom.
We went down to the park with some friends and did the trunk-or-treat, and then we headed up Poplar Street, which is just packed with trick-or-treaters.  We were out for about an hour--it was surprisingly chilly (I wore a hat and gloves---Brrr!).  Happy Halloween to all!

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