Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving Miracle

We are just wrapping up a long Thanksgiving Break.  Bode was off the entire week from school, while I only had to work on Monday and Tuesday.  I wish I could say we accomplished a lot, but we did not :-)  Lots of eating and relaxing, but we did manage to get some of the Christmas decorations up and get into the Christmas spirit.  On Thursday, Dave, Jennie, Teddy, Charlie, and Larry (Jennie's father) came down for a Thanksgiving feast.  Ashley prepared a wonderful turkey, potatoes, stuffing, green beans, and even made some home-made biscuits.  Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the meal, but I did take some action photos playing some games after dinner.
Dave, Jennie, and the boys spent the night, and we all watched a movie.  The rest of the weekend is a bit of a blur.  Bode and I did some exercise, Bode went to a friends house, I put up some lights, and there was a little football game on Saturday called the Iron Bowl, which Auburn amazingly won.  Ashley was thrilled.  Afterwards, we had a little birthday cake for Ashley, whose birthday is on Monday, but she's traveling to California for a conference.  Bode and I decided to sing for her.
I think we are going to get a Christmas tree today and finish with the decorating.  Then, only 30 shopping days until the jolly dude comes down the chimney.  Pleasant week to all.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Soloist

I must say I was surprised today, but perhaps I should have known better.  Bode joined the school's orchestra this year and started playing the violin.  He practices at home (with some prodding) while the school orchestra meets twice a week.  He has told us he enjoys it and is doing well.  The orchestra had a concert tonight.  We asked Bode if there was anything special going on, and he told us that there wasn't much.  Fast forward to when we arrived at the concert and received our program.
Note the third line down:  Up and Down, Bode McGuirk and...  We did a bit of a double take when we saw Bode's name in the program.  Apparently Bode had a duet.  We were very excited but also nervous because there were quite a bit of people attending.  We took some pictures as the orchestra was seated.  Bode is there right in the middle.
The first two songs came and went, and before we knew it, Bode was up in front of the crowd getting ready to play. 
Recall how I said Bode had a duet.  The other part of the duet wasn't there tonight (and Bode said something about how she just wasn't ready to perform on her own, according to the teacher).  Thus, just Bode and the piano accompaniment--how scary!  Needless to say, we were very proud of our little dude.  After the first round of applause, the teacher (Mrs Scott) told the crowd, "You all realize how much courage it takes to play by himself in front of all of you, so let's give him another hand."  Afterwards, Bode told us he was so nervous that his legs were shaking. 

The rest of the concert came and went.  The whole group brought the house down with a beautiful performance of Maple Leaf Rag.
We (Ashley, Bode, and I) have been watching Season 2 of Stranger Things.  I'm told I need to cut this short because they are waiting for me to watch the next episode.  Pleasant week to all.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Bode's B*tch'in B-Day Bash

No, you didn't miss Bode's birthday in case you are worried.  Since his big day falls right around Thanksgiving, we typically have a birthday party two weeks prior in order to get maximum kid-participation.  This year was no different, and it certainly won't surprise us if Variety magazine calls it the party of the century.  We scheduled the party from 4 - 6:30 with the hope it would not conflict with the Auburn-Georgia game.  Sadly, the game started at 1:30.  We did all the party prep early Saturday morning, and then watched the first half of the game.  Joey could barely contain his excitement, while Ashley fretted because Georgia quickly went up 7-0.
Auburn started slow, but fortunately, they were able to rebound and were up 16-7 at half-time, which was right about the time the Game Truck showed up.
The game truck is exactly what it sounds--a big trailer with all sorts of TV screens, comfy chairs, and every possible gaming console you could want.  We herded the kiddos down to the trailer, and the games began.  A popular game with the ladies was Just Dance...
while the boys played all sorts of different adventures.
David was kind enough to bring Teddy and Charlie down for the party.  Ashley and Dave spent most of the party shuttling kids to-and-fro the bathroom, but also tracking the Auburn-Georgia progress on their phones.  I'm happy to report that Auburn won 40-17, which explains the huge smile on Ashley's face).
After two hours of gaming, it was time for pizza and ice cream cake.
Of course, we did have to sing to the birthday boy.
Afterwards, everyone enjoyed what was unanimously called "the best cake ever."
Tyler and Eli spent the night.  The boys spent some quality time on the Xbox and doing whatever it is boys do...
The boys have just woken up and Ashley is making pancakes, I mean, VICTORY pancakes :-)  Best.  Day.  Ever :-)  Pleasant week to all.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Fall Happenings

A lot of minor details to report.  Yesterday, Bode had a swim meet and did awesome.  He swam the 100-yard freestyle, the 50-yard backstroke, 25-yard butterfly, and the 100-yard individual medley.  This was a fairly competitive meet, so Bode didn't sweep the firsts, but he swam best times in all four events including the IM, which he did in 1:46:00.  I tried to take some action photos--I don't think any are all that great, but I'll include them for posterity.  First up we have Bode ready to start the 100 freestyle.
Next we have Bode kicking hard to the finish.
Next, Bode getting ready to start the 50-back.
Last, we have Bode finishing strong in the IM--he won his heat, which was pretty cool.
We recently had a conference with Bode's teacher.  We are happy to report Bode is doing extremely well in school this year.  He has all A's and B's, including an A in math (we should hope so), and an A+ in music.  He also has a B- in PE, so we need to work on his athletics--we'll start the 0500-morning runs next week (only kidding).

I harvested the final carrots today, which means there is nothing left in the garden.  I peeled some for my lunch this week, but I also pickled some--yes, I know, pickled carrots probably aren't the greatest, but I wanted to see what they tasted like.
I'm sorry to report Mike the goldfish is no longer with us.  He lived a total of 3 days, which isn't too long if you ask me.  Bode thought Mike was sleeping but was heart-broken when I told him Mike had died (really--it was almost as bad as when Harley died).  Fortunately, we were able to get him a replacement.  We spent some time at PetSmart and decided on a beta fish (they are supposed to be pretty hardy).  We also had our aquarium water tested to ensure all was well, and it was.  Bode is very good about feeding "Barry" (named after the Flash), and he even reminded me we needed to do a 20% water change today.  Here's a picture of Barry in his environment.
Finally, the other two dogs are doing fine--just as lazy as ever (as is their owner)...
Pleasant week to all.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Yes Club

Bode joined the science club this semester.  They meet every Tuesday after school and are studying fire.  They are learning proper fire safety and also studying wild-fires.  As part of this, they visited a burn area from the 2012 Waldo Canyon fire.  Neither Ashley nor I could go on the trip, but Mr Glisson did take a couple of pictures.  First, the van ride to and from (probably the highlight of the trip).
Next, the group at the burn area.  They were actually at the site of the Flying W Ranch which was completely destroyed by the fire.  Bode said it was very interesting.  They kids helped pull invasive plants and ensured they disposed of them so the seeds were not dispersed.  They also got to wear hard-hats.
The group has to put together some type of project and present some time in December.  Bode really likes science, so this is right up his alley.  Pleasant day.