Sunday, October 23, 2016

Some Pictures

It's hard to believe Halloween is just around the corner.  To mark this event, Bode's school had its annual Fall Carnival.  Bode and Ashley used this opportunity to test-drive their costumes.  Here's a nice picture of the two of them.
Bode is Ghost Rider (from Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), and Mommy is some sort of creepy gothic/ghost creature.  The weather was unseasonably warm, so we were worried Bode would be too warm in the leather jacket, but fortunately, he was fine.  At the carnival, Bode and Ashley got this nice picture taken.
The fond memories :-)  October marked the ending of Bode's cross country season.  Like I've said before, the boy wasn't made to run, but he tried real hard and competed in every event.  The team had a season-ending ice-cream party one day after school and took the below picture--can you find Bode?
We have also been very busy with soccer--practices twice a week, and games on Saturdays, and we've been fortunate that no game has conflicted with the Auburn football games.  Here are some pictures--first is Bode's official photo, and below that is one with the team, and they were told to act goofy for this one.
I've tried to take some pictures of Bode during the games, but I have found I'm usually pacing the sidelines and trying to keep calm :-)  But I did get some warm-up shots of Bode and Austin practicing.
Bode really likes being in goal--in fact, his coach said we should think of putting Bode on a competitive team.  We were flattered, but we need to think about the time commitment that would entail--it might cut into our ski time :-)

We are riding high on the Auburn-victory endorphins that have flooded our body with the beat-downs of Mississippi State and Arkansas.  Ashley, as always, is still nervous, but Auburn is now ranked #15 in the nation--that's gotta be worth something, right?

All else is going well in Colorado.  A-basin opened up for skiing this past weekend.  We will likely hold off a bit until there's some more snow...but (as the Starks say), "Winter is coming."  Pleasant week to all.

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