Sunday, October 30, 2016

Final Soccer Game

The Sabertooths had their final game of the season yesterday.  To spoil the ending, I will tell you the team won 3-0, avenging a 4-0 loss to this same team a month ago.  The boys have improved a ton over the season, and everything came together at this final game.  Bode had a clean sheet (to use the soccer parlance as taught to me by my brother), and had a number of good saves.   I tried to take some action shots of the game, but no real gems surfaced even though I had the camera in burst-mode.  Bode's the one in the yellow jersey in all the pictures.
I did get a decent series of photos of Bode performing a goal kick.
After the victory, the boys were in a festive mood, especially since Frankie's mom brought cupcakes.  Coach Trista wouldn't give the boys the desserts until after they posed for a final team photograph.
It's sad to see the season come to an end, but we will surely try to get on the same team come spring.  What made Saturday even better was the Auburn victory over Ole Miss.  Auburn has climbed to #11 in the rankings, which is crazy considering they started 1-2.  Here's hoping they continue to roll.  Pleasant week to all.

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